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Plants and products for the water clarification

MAITEK attends to the planning and the carrying-out of the process water clarifying plants or waste water purification plants.

MAITEK attends to the planning and the carrying-out of the process water clarifying plants or waste water purification plants.


What does water clarification mean?

The water clarification is a particular filtering process which the waste waters are subjected at the purification plants entrance in order to remove the suspended solid substances present into the water in a dispersed shape (treatment called “primary sedimentation”).


What do the clarification plants serve?

The clarification plants serve the purpose of reducing to a minimum the need to supply the water from the water system as well as to clarify the waters coming from the aggregates working. The carrying-out of these waters purification plants allows to restrict very much the environmental pollution and particularly the groundwater tables pollution, often contaminated by the waste waters coming from the industrial working.


Types of purification plants carried-out by Maitek

Maitek carries-out process water clarifying plants by means bridge scraper dynamic settlers (settling tanks)(ICH) or static settlers with vertical decanter (ICS).
The sedimentation is accelerated using of flocculant substances injected in the waste-water by means of automatic dosing devices.
MAITEK can supply turnkey plants complete with all the accessories and characterized by an automatic control based on PLC with the possibility of supervision systems.
Our purifying plants are equipped with an exclusive patented system for the deposited sludge measuring.


Water purification plants with STATIC DECANTERS (mod. ICS) (download datasheet)

The static decanter allows to clarify solid-bearing water coming from various kinds of production processes.
The operating principle is based on accelerated clarification by sedimentation with the addition of flocculants.

The cloudy water is fed into the central part of the decanter, rises to the edge of the tank, clarifies and then overflows into a collection duct running around the perimeter of the tank.
The solid phase deposits by gravity onto the conical bottom and is expelled into a drain controlled by an automatic valve.

Being extremely compact, the clarification plant can be installed in very small areas.
Our supply includes an automatic running system trough PLC and all the accessories that need for the operation of the plant.








Water purification plants with DYNAMIC DECANTERS (mod. ICH) (download datasheet)

The water clarifying plant has the function to recover the dirty waters resulting from the washing of aggregates, in order to reuse them in the productive process.

The principle of the functioning of our system is based on the clarification of dirty waters through sedimentation in a tank called “clarifier”; the process is made faster thanks to some flocculants injected into liquid, which allow the separation of water from sludge in a short time.

The clarified water is collected in an apposite tank from which it is extracted by a pump to be recycled; the sludge is extracted from the clarifier and directly evacuated in the environment duly organized or submitted to a further dehydration treatment before the disposal.

Our supply includes an automatic running system trough PLC and all the accessories that need for the operation of the plant.








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