Dust suppression plant in BOX for a limestone crushing plant
Plant supply in Algeria
Why the dust suppression systems?
The dust suppression systems planned by Maitek is patented for dusts reduction on the crushing plants and it is alternative to the traditional systems. It is a very efficacious solution for the suppression and reduction of the hanging dusts and in the air filtering.
This new system, already operative in many quarries, is too much advantageous whether from an economical point of view thanks to a very good purchasing and management costs or from the efficacy point of view compared to the preexistent techniques.
How does the MAITEK’s air de-dusting plant work?
The DUST SUPPRESSION SYSTEM designed by MAITEK S.r.l. is based on the sprinkling principle but with one innovative detail: production and delivery – by means of compressed air – of a foam made up of a mixture of water and an additive of biodegradable vegetable origin. Generating a large amount of micro foam bubbles, the surface area in contact with the dust particles is considerably increased in comparison with the contact capacity of normal drops of water, and a great deal less water is used. This foam – a mixture of air, water and additive of vegetable origin – envelops the processed aggregate thus preventing the dust particles from propagating into the atmosphere and without changing the original properties of the material treated.
Maitek’s device allow to run the product supply on the basis of the real needs of the plant, in a totally self-contained way, as well as the advantages of an efficacious de-dusting action and of a limited water consumption
We also have a system consisting in the fogging of mere water. This system consists in applying to the points of dust emission, such as exchange points between the conveyor belts, hoppers, jaw and impact crushers, a spay of water with special nozzles that produce a mist made of microscopic droplets.
Where to use the dust supression system?
The dust suppression systems can be put on the yards, quarries, dumps, mining industry, building industry, cement works, in order to make a correct air and roads de-dusting.
On request we supply complete plants installed in box/containers of various sizes, insulated for the use in extreme climatic conditions. The box/container is equipped with the control unit, pump, water and chemical tank, air reservoir, compressor, electric board, lightning and conditioning system. You have only to arrange the electrical and water connection from the outside. It is quick and easy to install on the site.